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In the name of God
the Merciful |
Dear ALL (Re:
Tony Keith Via. NOOIC etc.),
Attached is what I Received today from My Iraqi Christian inside Iraq, the
names are edited to protect their identity for their safety, this will be
posted on
www.nooic.org and provided to the World as sign of how USA & Christian
Countries are neglecting the Christians of Iraq, most importantly the
Iraqi Terrorist Government that has been taken part behind the Scene in an
Act of Terrorism Toward the Christians of Iraq see Proof of Eye witness
Prevent New
P.S. Its a Shame we USA have Put
Muqtada Al Sader & his Mehdi Army to Rule Iraq Knowingly he has Ordered of
Killing many Americans etc. see
Translation via. Google
December 22, 2010
In the name of God the
Private message
From the Ministry of Islamic State of Iraq war
To the heads of communities, organizations and Christian churches
in Iraq
It has been an incident the church in the Karrada district of
Baghdad more than a month, and show us unequivocally that you read
the message is wrong, and behaved for miscalculation is severe,
you ignore dealing with the real party on the matter, and
Astameetm the demands of the Mujahideen - the demands of the real
and fair - and Ameetmoha on your followers, and this is what will
cost you dearly too, and let not the statements of visits and
promises made generously to you, what is most urgent to worry
about these their internal problems, and you do not most cherished
the rich who can those millions of unemployed who dumped the
financial crisis on the streets of their countries, and then you
will not find yourselves but dispersed Tstjdon east and west, or
crammed into prisons large Thitkm concrete walls do not sing in to
protect you something, had Amadeetm in antagonizing Muslims and
choose premeditated challenge of the Mujahideen, and Walve sent
Muhammad to the right if not left us that day only two to be
offloaded, one for your fight.
The easier you need to work your mind and Tnstwa to the voice of
wisdom and Talpua our demands, which is easy for those who seeks
security in this country, and sought to inject the blood and save
his justice, and we celebrate them and you woul Hear:
First: Taatbraua openly than did employers in the war, the
Egyptian church sisters and brothers who have entered Islam and
abuse them.
Second: must show serious quest to pressure the church to show
case our sisters and release them as you did strive to save Tariq
Aziz, from the gallows.
Third: change it Soamekm and Odertkm Tbta and your business and
your followers to indulge in the draft for the occupation and the
pact with the devil between the Crusaders and Shiites in Baghdad.
Fourth: to avoid flying any missionary activity in the region
directly or indirectly.
We were keen to convey our demands immediately after the control
of the church district of Karrada, and guidance was clear to
executives not being held, starting, and to facilitate
communication between them and their families and officials in the
church and the puppet government in Baghdad, and in the forefront
of these Cardinal Church Daly, MP Kanna to avoid bloodshed, This
is what happened logged documented our voice, but these hit the
appeals of detainees flouted and ignored the main issue
deliberately, but they also helped to incite the security
officials to the Maliki government to make the church a
battleground and a clash directly, took place on the detainees and
their families calamities, these are responsible de facto for
shedding the blood of detainees, and that your policy continues on
this vein and in Tmadeetm Gyekm Astrseltm and in dealing with the
enemies of Islam, ignoring our demands, Take notice of war is not
very long before your own, to see where you are moving and
Botbaekm Atazawa what had happened to others.
Remember that your ancestors lived for centuries among the Muslims
are safe for themselves and their money and saw the mercy of Islam
to them and amended them what they did not see him from Beni skin
in other sects, then try to be Tnalkm mercy of Islam and complied
with commitments made by your predecessors, and if any of you care
to his community and his followers should read about history good,
Ini himself than planned stakeholders and traders positions, and
declaring his innocence of that and give him a ride to the
Mujahideen by any means secret or undeclared, we are not the
people of the injustice and aggression, but the owners of a great
religion Aziz enjoins justice and charity in everything, Nabi
humiliation do not accept injustice and make our blood is cheap in
order to God and the support of our Muslim brothers, and let not
the promises of protection who do not have to protect himself,
because someone can not give it, and beware that the return
provisions of Islam to override this earth and you are at war with
Muslims, and prepared for this day, the Earth God, a heritage to
whom He will of His slaves, and the consequence of the righteous.
Peace be upon those who follow true guidance
