---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <senator_levin@levin.senate.gov>
Date: Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: Your Concerns
Dear Mr. Kalasho:
Thank you for contacting me about the brutal attack
that took place recently at the Our Lady of Salvation
Church in Baghdad in which more than 50 people were killed
and many others wounded. I, too, am deeply saddened and
gravely concerned by this attack.
This massacre, the worst since the war began in 2003,
is the latest sign that the violent extremist elements in
Iraq continue to target religious minorities to advance
their agenda. In the wake of this despicable attack, I
sent a letter to James Jeffrey, the United States
Ambassador to Iraq, expressing my view that it is critical
he urge Iraqi officials to act quickly, decisively, and
publicly to protect religious minorities in both their
homes and places of worship. This letter reiterates the
central points of a resolution (S.Res.322) I introduced
that calls on the United States government, the government
of Iraq, and the United Nations Mission in Iraq to take a
series of steps to alleviate the dangers members of
religious minority groups confront. According to the U.S.
Commission on International Religious Freedom, these
dangers include “targeted intimidation and violence,
including killings, beatings, abductions, and rapes,
forced conversions, forced marriages, forced displacement
from their homes and businesses, and violent attacks on
their houses of worship and religious leaders.” For the
third year in a row, the Commission has found that “the
religious freedom situation in Iraq remains grave,
particularly for the country’s smallest, most vulnerable
religious minorities.”
My resolution, which the Senate passed unanimously,
calls attention to this tragic situation in several ways.
It states the sense of the Senate that the fate of Iraqi
religious minorities is a matter of grave concern and
calls on the U.S. government and the United Nations to
urge Iraq’s government to increase security at places of
worship, particularly where members of religious
minorities are known to face risks. The resolution calls
for the integration of regional and religious minorities
into the Iraqi security forces and for those minority
members to be stationed within their own communities. In
addition, the resolution calls on the Iraqi government to
ensure that minority citizens can participate in upcoming
elections and to enforce its constitution, which
guarantees “the administrative, political, cultural, and
educational rights” of minorities. Finally, it urges a
series of steps to ensure that development aid and other
forms of support flow to minority communities in Iraq.
Catholic Chaldeans, Syriac Orthodox, Assyrian,
Annenian, and Protestant Christians have paid a heavy
price as a result of the conflict in Iraq and continue to
face a high level of threat and abuse. In addition to
these deeply disturbing trends, Christian and other
religious minorities continue to face considerable
roadblocks in efforts to assume their adequate
representation in Iraqi governmental institutions.
It is my sincere hope that the Iraqi government makes
progress toward the goals outlined in my recent letter and
my resolution. I will keep your thoughts in mind as I
continue my efforts to improve the security situation
facing Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq.
Carl Levin
Above Replied from website contact center below;
Thank you for contacting me. I appreciate hearing your views.
The following information has been emailed to Senator Levin:
Regarding: issue
Name: Mr. Tahrir Kalasho, S.
40321 Denbigh Dr. Sterling Heights, Mi. 48310
P.O. Box 833
Hazel Park, , MI 48030
Phone: 586-939-2554
Comments: I like to assist, participate, and make a Strong Demand to make
a positive change, we need to Force USA & European Countries to Rescue the
Iraqi Christians with safe passage out of Iraq A.S.A.P., until & if we can
succeed in obtaining Autonomous Region within Nineveh Province. I can be
Reached at TEL. 586-939-2554 Cell: 313-412-8254 E-mails:
TKalasho1029@yahoo.com OR, TKalasho@Libertyfta.com OR,
OR, TKalasho@gmail.com
NOOIC'S Website:

Below is a separate Email from U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow

Tahrir Kalasho
Contact and Complaints to U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow;
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Senator Debbie Stabenow
Date: Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: RE: Support & Rescue the Iraqi Christians

November 17, 2010
Mr. Tahrir
Kalasho (CEO/Founder)
PO Box 833
Organization of Iraqi Christians(NOOIC)
Hazel Park, MI
Thank you . . .
. . . for
contacting me about protecting Christians living in Iraq. I share
your concerns.
I am deeply
troubled about the ethnic and religious persecution cited in the
U.S. State Department's International Human Rights Report. The U.S.
Commission on International Religious Freedom has also expressed
concerns about the security of Iraqi Christians.
As Congress and
the Administration develop a long-term strategy for Iraq, I will
work to ensure that all Iraqis can feel safe and free from
persecution and violence.
Thank you for
contacting me. Please continue to keep me informed about issues of
concern to you and your family.
Debbie Stabenow
United States
U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow
The United States Senate • Washington, DC 20510
Above Replied from email below;
My name is Tahrir Kalasho Born in Iraq, raised in USA, I want to reach out
in order we join together support a much stronger stand and make a change,
below ... is what I received from Iraqi Christian Doctor ... inside Iraq
received just today. I like to assist, participate, and make a Strong Demand
to make a positive change, we need to Force USA & European Countries to
Rescue the Iraqi Christians with safe passage out of Iraq ASAP, until & if
we can succeed in obtaining Autonomous Region within Nineveh
Thank you.
P.S. Any advise to enhance my Page I dedicated for the Most Recent Killing,
please advise!! http://www.nooic.org/Targeting%20and%20Killing.htm
[Quatation Omitted]
Best regards,
Mr. Tahrir Kalasho
National Organization of Iraqi Christians(NOOIC)
P.O. BOX 833
TEL. 586-939-2554
Cell: 313-412-8254
OR, TKalasho@Libertyfta.com OR,
TKalasho@nooic.org OR,
NOOIC'S Website:
Follow on Twitter:
LFTA Marketing website: http://www.libertyfortradingagencies.com
Liberty for Trading Agencies (LFTA)
via. Tahrir Kalasho BLACKLIST CHINA with Condition for China NON
Performance! See
Also see Other Blacklist Companies these are 10% of the Actual list of Non
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Support NOOIC to force Iraqis to Stop the Killing of Iraqi Christians
Also see Most recent Unlawful acts committed by the U.S.A. Forcing Iraqi
Christians to be among the Iraqi Terrorists see
See most recent Crimes against Iraqi
Christians Committed by Iraqi Government recruited Terrorists
Explain why you think your Website should
be on Our Favorite Link?? See
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