Arabic Chaldean Hispanic Organization (ACHO)
Please support
H. RES. 1725 Bill
501(c)(3) Tax Exempt
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CEO/Founder to Donate 50% |

Tahrir Kalasho CEO/Founder
Letter for
Iraq’s indigenous Christian Assyrians
Order Denying Defendant's Motion to
"Comments from
I believe, its INHUMANE If Christians of Iraq do NOT Receive Safe Haven
from America, and other World Leaders Countries such as Russia, U.K.,
France, Germany etc. with the agreement of Strong Arab Countries (i.e.,Egypt,
Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, etc.), even Non
Arab Countries Like Turkey, Pakistan, Iran etc.
Otherwise, I strongly suggest that ALL the Christians inside Iraq must
leave Iraq, save passage out of Iraq, establish Unity & strength in Europe
and in USA, to come & return with a powerful Force to protect themselves,
since they are left Hopeless without the ability to protect themselves,
and the facts are the current Iraqi Government being involved in Terror,
recruits Terrorists etc. are unable to protect the Iraqi Christians.
Its like a Massacre and talks among the Iraqi Extremist within the Iraqi
Government inside Iraq, is to do Reincarnation of the Genocide of Iraqi
Christian see Assyrian Genocide Documentary Part 1
Please support & Register make your voice heard in U.S. Government, go to
link below: Thank you.
Please send this electronic letter to President Obama and Congress: US
Needs to Act to Stop Ethnic Cleansing
of Assyrians from Iraq
go to:
Please talk to your family and friends and ask them to get involved and
sign on to this letter-writing campaign.
Upon Every Successful Closure between Liberty for Trading Agencies Inc. (LFTA)
http://www.libertyfta.com/ as a legal mandate for OOO Integral
That NOOIC will proudly receive up to 33% of the total Net, that LFTA
would ultimately receive from its Commission in sale purchase orders to be
donated for the causes, purposes, as being described in the Primary and
Ultimate Objectives of the distribution of funds see
The CEO/Founder of National Organization of Iraqi Christians (NOOIC) will
donate 50% of All Compensation proceeds resulting from the Civil Suit
Against Republic of Iraq to the causes as described in the NOOIC'S OBJECTIVE
Law Suit is Public Records!
Click to Enlarge
Pages 1-4
Pages 5-8
Pages 9-12
Court Order;
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Newest Document!