Arabic Chaldean Hispanic Organization (ACHO) http://www.acho1.org/ Please support H. RES. 1725 Bill ![]() 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt |
After countless
church bombings, kidnappings, and executions of Christians in Iraq;
The assassination of Father Ragheed ...
After countless
church bombings, kidnappings, and executions of Christians in Iraq; The
assassination of Father Ragheed Ganni and three deacons has struck a nerve
in the Christian community worldwide.
Between 10000 and
30000 of Iraq's 800000 Christians have fled the country since the
fall of Saddam Hussein's regime ...
Between 10,000
and 30,000 of Iraq's 800,000 Christians have fled the country since the fall
of Saddam Hussein's regime, according to Christian groups in Baghdad.
Although Christians make up only about 3% of Iraq's 25 million people, the
U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees has said they account for about 20% of
the refugees fleeing Iraq for Syria. They are escaping a climate of violence
and a surging Islamic radicalism that have made the practice of their faith
a deadly enterprise. The violence in Iraq threatens one of the world's
oldest Christian communities, dating back 2,000 years. The population
includes Chaldean Assyrians (Eastern-rite Catholics who recognize the Pope's
authority); Assyrians, who form an independent church; Syrian Catholics; and
Armenian Catholics. Under Saddam, Christians coexisted more or less amicably
with the Muslim majority. Easter services were broadcast on state
television. Christians today keep a low profile. While most of the
anti-Christian violence has been committed by a small group of Islamic
extremists, Christians say they are encountering rising anger among their
Muslim neighbors. Layla Isitfan says taxi drivers have insulted her when
they realized she was Christian, in some cases saying all Christians should
be shot and killed. At work, she wears a Muslim head scarf and tells
colleagues that she is Muslim. Raja Elias, a Syrian Catholic in Baghdad,
says that recently a neighbor began to dump garbage on her front porch. When
Elias complained, the neighbor said, "You are a Christian, and I can put it
inside your house if I want to." For Iraqis like Elias, the best option is
to leave. Many Iraqi Christians say their reversal of fortune has been
especially disappointing given the backing the Bush Administration receives
from evangelical Christians. "Why did the U.S. come here?" asks Mardirosian,
the Armenian-Catholic leader. "To protect the Christians or allow others to
kill them?"
Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian Christians of Iraq, yesterday on 19th April 2008,
marched in Brussels in order to make the voice of their perse
Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian Christians of Iraq, yesterday on 19th April 2008,
marched in Brussels in order to make the voice of their persecuted brothers
and sisters in Mesopotamia (Iraq) heard by the West.
Organizers said Saturday's peaceful demonstration has drawn about 6 thousand people from across Europe. The Demonstration was organized jointly by the European Syriac Union (ESU) and the Syriac Orthodox Archdiocese of Germany with the participation of several other organization of the Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian. The participating organizations are as follows: The European Syriac Union (ESU) The Syriac Orthodox Archdiocese of Germany The Syriac Federation of Germany The Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO) Platform Aram (The Netherlands) Assyrian-Chaldean-Syriac Institute (France) The Chaldean Association (Belgium) The Syriac Council of Switzerland The marching crowd with their Christian religious leaders at the front begun to gather at about 1:30 pm in the square in front of the European Council building and the other European Institution Buildings. The demonstrators were carrying banners and shouting slogans demanding protection for the Christians of Iraq. "Stop the Genocide against the Christians of Iraq", "Stop Killing Bishops and Priests", "We demand an Autonomous Safe Zone for our Protection in Iraq" could be read on some of the banners. The news on the demonstration was covered by the most influential news agencies from around the world and by many local European TV channels and newspapers. Some of the news agencies TV channels that broadcasted the news regarding this demonstration are: Reuters, the Associated Press (AP), Deutsche Welle (DW), Al Jazeera, Al Sharqia, Fox and many other television stations as well as many European and international newspapers from around the world. Also, the Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian TV channel Suroyo-TV covered the whole event with a life program which has been broadcasted via the satellites around the world. The leaders and representatives of the Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian Christians held peaceful speeches and urged the UN, the USA, the Coalition Forces in Iraq and the International community to act and stop the ongoing persecution against the Christians of Iraq. As a result of the ethnic cleansing campaign that the fundamentalist terrorist have begun since the fall of Saddam's regime, so far, more than 40 churches have been attacked with explosive charges and many church leaders have been kidnapped and killed. Some of the murdered church leaders are: The Chaldean Archbishop of Mosul Msgr. Boulus Faraj Rahho, Priest Rev. Father Paulus Skander and Rev. Father Ragheed Ganni who was murdered with three deacons in Mosul and Rev. Father Youssef Adel Aboudi murdered recently in Baghdad. Moreover, hundreds of other Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian civilians have been murdered and one half of the Christian population of Iraq has been forced to flee abroad. (more) (less)
A Short film shows how terrorist is
harming iraqi christians starting from bombing the churches,
abducting and killing ...
A Short film shows
how terrorist is harming iraqi christians starting from bombing the
churches, abducting and killing the priests, and violating what is christain
in iraq (more)
video lang: ar
Sura 9 verse 29 http://www.islam-watch.org/ayeshaahmed/debate-frustrate-infidels.htm
Islam is full of hate to the jews and
Christians. and then they say Islam is peaceful religion. ...
video lang: en
September 11 7th
anniversary I'm reopening comments because my inbox is jammed w/people
wanting to comment =================================
September 11 7th
anniversary I'm reopening comments because my inbox is jammed w/people
wanting to comment
====================================== More WTC evidence Shows the molten mixture (after effect of thermite) dripping down the side of one tower http://www.youtube.com/p.swf?video_id=ExrVgioIXvk&eurl=http% 3A//www.google.com/search%3Fhl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26c hannel%3Ds%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla%253Aen-US%253Aofficial%26hs%3 DrF&iurl=http%HA//img.youtube.com/vi/ExrVgioIXvk/2.jpg&t=OEg sToPDskLgF3_eGj4YiWgwzFD9ZwJV Notice how the dripping substance is identical to that seen in the south tower video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrCWLpRc1yM&eurl= Shows the picture/s of supporting beams, cut clean through at angles with thermite http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=4431 and a bit more. http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=4465 SONG- "You Lied" by Away With The Fairys Bush lies, people die. Nothing new. At the beginning of the video at a press conference Bush says it all... President Bush: "What did Iraq have to do with what?" Reporter: "The attack on the World Trade Center" Bush: "Nothing" A war he started for more oil/power/payback to his big campaign supporters, by lying. Plain as day Iraq had nothing to do with it. Osama's been dead since Dec 2001 (kept alive only "new audio/videotapes" by Bush's henchmen for their agenda) same for Saddam- they have a poor, brainwashed Mr. Potato head double. Bush, good Christian he is, keeps breaking the "Thou shalt not kill" commandment hundreds of times a day- he has sent people to kill for him, still makes him guilty. And all the Christian soldiers killing folks in Bush's/freedoms name, guilty of the same. May your God have mercy on your souls. (more) (less)
This is dedicated
to all Christians who support the us troops. How can you say Bless Our
Troops? Voice: Jesus Matthew 5:44 But I say unto
This is
dedicated to all Christians who support the us troops.
How can you say Bless Our Troops? Voice: Jesus Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?book_id=47&chapter=5&ve rse=44&version=9&context=verse Luke 6:27 But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?book_id=49&chapter=6&ve rse=27&version=9&context=verse Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%205: 17%20;&version=8; Matthew 5:39 But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?book_id=47&chapter=5&ve rse=39&version=31&context=verse Luke 6:29 If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?book_id=49&chapter=6&ve rse=29&version=31&context=verse etc etc and also commen sense --------------------------------------- Some will say but that is because we want to save iraqi people, or save the world. Sure you do, you are going to bomb democracy then why Iraq/Afghanistan?? why not China? why even with BOMBS??? did you all got ur democracy with bombs??? Muslim propaganda??? NOPE just showing how hypocrites most Christians are---if they are unbelievers but do support the wars is because they have been brainwashed too hate and too kill by the zionist mass media in USA and for those I just feel sorry for.. nothing more BTW, I don't care if the soldiers in that video are Christians, its the support I am amazed about! RMP PRODUCTIONS Thanks for the time, comment, rate, bad or good the truth is always unpleasant! (more) (less)
Islam Persecution
and Killing(s) to Christians. Sect Pagan Persecuted
Christians in Indonesia. Descabezamientos ...
Islam Persecution and Killing(s) to Christians. Sect Pagan Persecuted
Christians in Indonesia. Descabezamientos, Beheadings. Killings, Burning,
Matando, Quemando Christians. Islam, La Palabra Ashurah se parezca a Asera,
Asherah » Me recordó a esta otra ceremonia Pagana a el dios falso Baal dios de
todos los idolos. Alilah Descrita en La Biblia 1 Reyes 18:19-39 Elías y los
profetas de Baal y de Asera, Jezabel. 28 "Y ellos clamaban a grandes voces, y
se sajaban con cuchillos y con lancetas conforme a su costumbre, hasta
chorrear la sangre sobre ellos." http://www.honduras.com/catracho-forum/viewtopic.php?p=50972
#50972 » Buscando La Verdad sobre El Ashoura Shiita » Islamica : http://antesdelfin.com/shiitas.html
» Know the Islam It's Not Peace » Conoce el Islam No es Paz http://journals.aol.com/buscandodeverdad/islam/
video lang: es en
O People, those who love the God of
Abraham are allies of one another...be they Jew, Christian, Muslim or
Believer...or any others who love
O People, those
who love the God of Abraham are allies of one another...be they Jew,
Christian, Muslim or Believer...or any others who love the only True God.
Together we will defeat the EVILDOERS... all those who are causing and planning harm to us and our brothers, including Zionist who have hijacked Judaism. we will be victors over the Illuminati and it's Scheme for a New World Order...with GOD's help. "THEY plotted and schemed, but so did GOD, and GOD is the Best Schemer." Prophet Muhammad, Surah 3:54, Holy Quran "And just a little while longer, and the Wicked ones will be no more...the Wicked one is plotting against the Righteous one, and at him the Evil ones grind their teeth. Jehovah Himself will laugh at him (the evil ones), for He certainly will see that the Evildoers day will come." Prophet David, Psalms 37:10-13, Holy Bible Allahu Akbar! God is Greatest! On 7/26/2006, Ahmed Bedier along with other CHAIR reps meet Orthodox Jewish Rabbis participating in Rally outside the Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. to call for an immediate Cease Fire. The Rabbis described the Israeli aggression as illegal. One Rabbi asked the world not blame the great religion of Judaism for the actions of the Israeli government. Pappe is an ISRAELI historian and a senior lecturer at Haifa University, has written a superb account of the Israeli expulsion of the Palestinians from their land in 1948. He says that between 30 March and 15 May 1948, i.e. before any Arab government intervened, Israeli forces seized 200 villages and expelled 250,000 Palestinians. The Israeli leadership stated, "The principal objective of the operation is the destruction of Arab villages ... the eviction of the villagers." On 9 April, Israeli forces massacred 93 people, including 30 babies, at Deir Yassin. In Haifa, the Israeli commander ordered, "Kill any Arab you encounter." Overall, the Zionist forces uprooted more than half Palestine's population, 800,000 people, destroyed 531 villages and emptied eleven urban neighborhoods of their inhabitants. Pappe concludes that this was "a clear-cut case of an ethnic cleansing operation, regarded under international law today as a crime against humanity. According to B'Tselem's research, from January to December 27, 2006, Israeli security forces killed 660 Palestinians in the Occupied Territories VS. 16 Israeli civilians. Who are the real victims??? (more) (less)
video lang: en
Do you buy your food from pet shop? Or do
you take shower in dry cleaner? Get your resources from the right places.
Learn about Islam from
Do you buy your
food from pet shop? Or do you take shower in dry cleaner?
Get your resources from the right places. Learn about Islam from Muslim Scholars and not AntiIslam websites and zionist channels. If Christianity does not make sense to you then be it, but do not generalize about Islam from your view of Christianity. Islam is Serious, Natural and Complete code of life. It is not some Sunday Service, nor it is some vague guess. Here are some good websites to know about Islam and Muslims: http://www.sultan.org (Free Islamic Books for nonMuslims) http://www.sultan.org/books/ http://www.lightuponlight.com http://www.cyberistan.org http://www.islamtomorrow.com http://youtubeislam.com/ About Women in Islam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwlc80vKvvI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0plMbcfVBE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSCXntOmCl4 About Islam and West: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-oM5IBsUWE Here is an enlightening video of a charismatic revert to Islam: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8888235112692728009 Apostasy, apostates are killed? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X28J8-xt6hU Dhimmis are oppressed? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X28J8-xt6hU Is Bible True Word of God? (Debate between a Muslim and a Christian Scholar) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4058605158253427977 Is Jesus God? (Debate between a Muslim and a Christian Scholar) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=961180591411776337 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Mentioned by Name in the Bible. http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=muhammad+bible+deedat+ company Qur'an and Bible in the light of science: http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=zakir+naik+icna Islamic History of Europe (BBC Documentary) (NonMuslims! Please have memory longer than the last 50 or 100 years): http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4948121296578586703 A deep Historical Perspective of Muslims (by Ben Kingsley) http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=islam+empire+islamicvi deos+-lion Muslims in UK: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6571692509544428336& q=turntoislam (more) (less)
Following are excerpts from a public
address delivered by Iraqi tribal Chief Sheik Th'aban Al-Bazoun,
which aired on Al ...
Following are
excerpts from a public address delivered by Iraqi tribal Chief Sheik Th'aban
Al-Bazoun, which aired on Al-Fayhaa TV on December 4, 2007: Sheik Th'aban
Al-Bazoun: [We say] to the terrorists, the supporters of takfir, to
Al-Qaeda: If you want Iraq to be as Islamic state so badly, shouldn't you
make your own countries Islamic first? What, they come from Morocco to
establish an Islamic state in Iraq?! Why don't they turn Morocco into an
Islamic state? They come from Saudi Arabia to turn Iraq into an Islamic
state. They cross the border and blow themselves up - why don't they blow
themselves up in Saudi Arabia? After all, the Americans are present in Saudi
Arabia, as well as in the UAE, in Bahrain, in Egypt, and in all the Arab
countries. They have bases there. Go blow yourself up there. Instead of
blowing up Iraqi children in schools, universities, and markets, go blow
yourself up there. Go establish an Islamic state in Morocco, Tunisia, and
Sudan. But one cannot establish an Islamic state by blowing up children,
women, schools, or universities, or by means of terrorism and murder. We've
become victims of people who come here from across the borders in order to
kill Iraqi citizens, because they want to establish an Islamic state in
Iraq. They want to force women to wear the veil. In their own countries
women do not wear the veil. They want to force Iraqi Christian women to wear
Islamic gowns. Christian women here do not wear these gowns. In their own
countries, people wear pants and cowboy jeans. In your country, Saudi
Arabia, people smoke marijuana on the beach, yet you come to Iraq to
establish an Islamic state?!
video lang: en
Iraqi Christians in Dora (southern
Baghdad neighborhood) being told that they either pay a tax, convert to Islam,
leave ...
Two Iraqi Christian
brothers - Archbishop Gabriel Kasab, former Chaldean Archbishop of Basra,
Joseph Kasab, Executive Director of the Chaldean Federation of America, and
Nena Shea, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute and Vice Chair of the US
Commission on International Religious Freedom, talk about Iraqi Christians in
Dora (southern Baghdad neighborhood) being told that they either pay a tax,
convert to Islam, leave, or die.
Muslims, 3-5% of Iraq's population is
Christian, and yet 40% of Iraqi refugees are Christian.
... Iraq Persecution Iraqi ...
A Christian pastor in the US
forces recalls his experiences with Iraqi Christians living with the
war. ... Iraq Iraqi ...
, Iraqi Christians face the constant
threat of torture, rape, kidnapping, and murder. This video tells their story
Despite being ignored by the media, Iraqi Christians face the constant threat
of torture, rape, kidnapping, and murder. This video tells their story.
more information. This video was produced
by the Chaldean Center in Beirut, Lebanon. ... Iraqi Iraq christian
persecution ...
There have been
numerous recent accounts of bombings, beheadings, kidnappings, death threats,
vandalism and discrimination towards Christians who are not just caught in the
crossfire, but are actual targets. In the past four years more than 40
churches and Christian institutions have been attacked, and in the past two
years nine Christian priests or bishops have been kidnapped and/or killed.
Visit www.HelpIraqiChristians.org for more information. This video was
produced by the Chaldean Center in Beirut, Lebanon.
Music Video
Open For Business. "Iraq" was
directed by Ron Najor at TheBuzzLA.com ... TIMZ Iraq Bush
Saddam Hussein War Chaldean Iraqi ...
rapper TIMZ has released a politically charged music video that is getting
international attention since its debut on YouTube.com.
Winner of the 2007 Hollywood Film Festival Music Video of the Year Winner of MTVu's "The Freshman" in 2007 Winner of TheBeat.fm Summer Contest "Iraq" is destined to be a true rallying cry during these difficult political times. TIMZ's background allows him to give a unique perspective of the war. "My parents are from Iraq but I was born in the United States. I feel like I'm able to connect to both sides of this war a little more than the average person. That's why I wrote the song the way I did; the first verse is written from the perspective of an Iraqi while the second verse is written from the perspective of an American. The third verse is a history lesson!" "Dear Mr. George Bush," TIMZ raps. "Why do you insist to make a fool of us? For over 200 years... we stood for what's good, now we despised by our peers; And what do you...but add fuel to the fire and send in more troops. Oh the troops God save the troops; it wasn't their war their lies their fault. America the beautiful what did they do to you, they used you its so indisputable!" On his fiery and autobiographical debut CD, TIMZ—aka Tommy Hanna, an American born rapper of Chaldean and Iraqi descent--gets right up in our faces, mixing explosive, Middle Eastern tinged beats with incendiary rhymes in an effort to shatter those ugly stereotypes that have plagued people who look like him since 9/11 and the start of the Iraq war. Make no mistake, the title of TIMZ powerful, outspoken and heavy grooving 14- track collection—a nominee for Best Hip-Hop Album at the 2006 San Diego Annual Music Awards—says it all: the San Diego born and bred artist is Open For Business. "Iraq" was directed by Ron Najor at TheBuzzLA.com (more) (less) |
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